Event finished. This event was in the past: 9:00am on Tuesday, March 25, 2025
A member of the Citrus County Genealogical Society will be here to give 1-on-1 assistance with genealogy research. 1hr 30min appointments are available.
A member of the Citrus County Genealogical Society will be here to give 1-on-1 assistance with genealogy research. 1hr 30min appointments are available. Please only register for one time slot per day. Please include in your registration response the time frame that your research takes place.
Attendees are encouraged to bring a flash drive with them and register for genealogical databases of interest beforehand, bringing the sign-in information with them.
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the presenter and do not necessarily represent official policy or position of the Citrus County Library System.
The Central Ridge Branch is located on the corner of Forest Ridge Blvd and Roosevelt Blvd in Beverly Hills. This location houses a community rooms, 2 study rooms and a computer lab.